

웃는곰 2008. 4. 27. 17:29





선생님도 아이들과 함께 도시락을 펴놓으셨습니다. 그리고 아이들을 둘러보시며 물었습니다.

“누구 나하고 도시락 나누어 먹을 사람 없겠니?”

다른 아이들은 모두 자가 도시락을 꺼내 놓고 먹는데 영준이는 도시락을 싸오지 않아서 머리를 숙이고 책만 들여다보고 있었습니다.

선생님이 영준을 향해 말했습니다. 


“박영준, 이리 와서 나하고 나누어 먹자. 집에서 밥을 너무 많이 싸주어서 혼자는 다 먹을 수가 없구나.”

영준이 대답 없이 빨개진 얼굴을 숙였습니다. 

선생님이 다그치듯 영준이를 불렀습니다.


“박영준, 이리와 나 좀 도와다오. 집에서 밥을 너무 많이 싸주어서 날마다 남겨 가지고 가

면 집에서는 밥이 쉬어서 먹을 수가 없구나.”

그제야 영준이 선생님 곁으로 갔습니다. 

“고맙다. 네가 도와주면 내가 집에 가서 집사람한테 바가지를 긁히지 않아도 될 것 같다.”

영준이 보기에도 선생님 도시락이 너무 많았습니다. 그래서 미안한 마음이 덜 들었습니다. 선생님이 영준이 몫을 담아주면서 말씀했습니다.


“내가 이 밥을 어떻게 다 먹겠니? 네가 보기에도 너무 많지 않니?”

“네, 선생님.”

“도와주어서 고맙다. 맛있게 먹어라.”


영준이는 처음으로 맛있는 점심을 먹어 보았습니다.


“내일도 네가 도와주면 좋겠다. 나는 그 동안 밥을 남겨 가지고 갔다가 식구들한테 밥을 남겨 온다고 야단을 맞았거든. 이제는 네가 도와주니 야단맞을 걱정은 안 해도 좋겠다. 

집안 사정이 어려워 점심을 싸오지 못하는 영준이는 선생님을 도와드리며 도시락을 나누어 먹었습니다. 


선생님 도시락을 먹고부터는 힘이 나고 공부도 잘되었습니다. 4학년 때는 반에서 중간쯤 되는 성적이었는데 5학년 1학기에는 2등이 되었습니다. 선생님은 도시락을 나누어주시면서 늘 용기를 돋우어 주셨습니다.


“조금만 더하면 1등도 할 수 있다. 다음 달에 교육구청에서 실시하는 글짓기 대회에 나가서 멋진 성적을 올려라. 너는 다른 애들보다 글을 잘 쓰니까. 알았지?”


마침내 글짓기 대회가 있는 날입니다. 


다른 날 같으면 선생님이 글짓기 대회장까지 나오셨을 텐데 공교롭게도 선생님이 편찮으셔서 학교를 나오지 못하셨습니다. 그래서 영준이 혼자 학교를 대표하여 글짓기 대회에 나갔습니다. 그리고 선생님의 기대대로 1등을 해서 상품과 상금을 받았습니다. 

상장과 상품과 상금을 보여드리면 얼마나 기뻐하실까 생각하고 선생님 댁을 찾아갔습니다.

“선생님, 박영준입니다.”



선생님 댁에는 아무도 없었습니다.

“선생님 저 왔습니다.”

귀를 기울여 보았지만 조용했습니다. 아무도 없는 것 같아서 나오려고 하는데 심한 기침 소리가 방에서 들렸습니다.


“누구 안에 계신가요?”


선생님의 힘없는 목소리가 들려왔습니다.

“박영준입니다. 선생님.”


“음, 콜록콜록…”

영준이 방으로 들어섰습니다. 선생님이 심한 몸살로 누워 일어나지 못하시었습니다.

“선생님 어디 편찮으세요?”

“아니다. 몸살이 좀…… ”

“약 사올까요?”

“아니야. 괜찮아. 오늘 글쓰기는 잘했지?”


“네, 선생님.”

영준이 상장과 상품과 상금이 든 봉투를 선생님 앞에 내놓았습니다. 선생님이 상장을 보시고 좋아하시며 자리에서 일어나 앉았습니다.  

“잘했다. 영준아 잘했어. 고맙다.”

“선생님이 도와 주셔서…… 선생님 고맙습니다.”

“내가 고맙지.”


“선생님, 상품과 상금은 사모님을 드리고 싶어요.”

“고맙다만…… 받을 수가 없구나.”

“사모님은 어디 계신가요?”


“다른 가족들은 모두 밖에 나가셨나요?”

“그래, 다 돌아오려면 아직 멀었다.”

“선생님 약은 잡수셨어요?”


“아니다 하루 이틀이면 낫는 몸살이다. 약국에 가서 몸살약이나 좀 지어 오너라.”

“네, 선생님.”

영준은 상금 봉투를 들고 약국으로 갔습니다. 그리고 선생님이 몸살이 심하게 나셨다고 말했습니다. 약방 주인이 걱정스럽게 말했습니다.

“선생님이 몸살이 나셨다고?”



“그렇게 좋으신 선생님이 몸살이 나시다니……혼자 사시면서 건강하셔야 할 텐데.”

영준이 눈을 동그랗게 뜨고 물었습니다.

“선생님이 혼자 사신다고요?”




“작년 여름에 교통사고로 사모님과 아들을 잃고 작은 딸은 친척집에 맡기고 혼자 사신단다.”

“그럼 도시락을 싸주시는 분은 누구신가요?”

“선생님이 손수 도시락도 싸 가지고 다니셨지.”




영준이는 선생님이 자기를 위해 도시락을 손수 많이 싸가지고 오신 것을 알았습니다. 



Lunch Time

심혁창 지음 / 황계정1) 옮김


It was lunch time.

The teacher unpacked his lunch box, along with his students. He asked, “Is there anybody who would like to share my rice with me?” He looked around the kids.

All the students began to eat their lunches, but Youngjoon was reading a book instead, for he didn't bring lunch. He was so poor that he could not afford to prepare lunch.

The teacher said to Youngjoon.

“Youngjoon Park, come on here and share my rice with me. My wife prepared too much lunch for me. I can not eat it up for myself.”

Youngjoon dropped his head without any answer. He was ashamed of being sopoor. The teacher called Youngjoon as if commanding him.

“Youngjoon Park, won’t you come help me to eat up my rice? If I leave any of it, the leftover goes bad before I return home. My wife will grumble about that severely.”

Youngjoon listened to the teacher and came to him.

“Thanks. If you would help me, I might not be blamed by her.”

It seemed to Youngjoon that the teacher’s lunch was really a little too much for him. That thought made Youngjoon feel less sorry. The teacher divided the rice into two parts and filled Younjoon’s share in the reserve box. The teacher said.

“How can I eat up this much rice? It's too much for me. isn.t it?”

“Yes, it looks so.”

“Anyway, thank you so much. Enjoy meal.”

“Yes, sir. You, too.”

Youngjoon has never eaten so delicious a lunch. He was very happy.

“I like you to help me with my lunch tomorrow. too. I’ have been blamed for leaving food in the lunch-box, for a long time. Now, I need not be afraid of my wife’s nagging anymore.”

Youngjoon could not bring lunch for a while. He spent the daytime hungry everyday. But from now on he can share lunch with the teacher.

He is full and strong now. He is good at his studies. He brought about good results. In his four-year class, he was in average. But in his five-year class, he got the second place. The teacher always encouraged him.

“If you study a little harder, you will sure get the first place next semester. Ipray you could obtain excellent results in the writing contest held under the auspices of The Education Office next month. I am sure your writing faculties are much better than any other student's in our school. Do you believe me?”

“Yes, sir.”

At last, the day of the writing contest came. The teacher was expected to accompany his student as a matter of course, but unfortunately he was absent from school because he got ill. Therefore, Youngjoon could not help participating in the writing contest by himself, representing his school. However, as the school teacher expected, Youngjoon succeeded in winning the first prize and receiving extra prize money. He was very happy. He could not wait to show the prize and the extra prize money to his teacher. He thought that his teacher would feel very glad to hear of his results in the writing contest. Youngjoon called at the teacher’s.

“Teacher, this is Youngjoon Park.”


Nobody answered.

“Teacher, I am here to see you.”

He listened carefully. Silence. It seemed that there was no body at home, The moment he would turn back, a fit of choking cough was heard from the room side.

“Anybody in?”

“Who is it?”

The teacher’s weak voice was heard.

“I am Youngjoon, Teacher.”


There was a fit of coughing. Youngjoon entered the teacher's room. The teacher was suffering from a bad cold. He could not sit up.

“I wonder you are not well. You are suffering from something serious, aren’t you?”

“I guess it's just a slight fatigue.”

“Shall I go to the pharmacy?”

“No, thank you. I'll get well soon. How did you do in the writing contesttoday?”

“I did my best.”

Youngjoon put out a big document envelop which contained the diploma of honor, the first prize and the extra prize money, The teacher shouted for joy and sat up.

“You did good job. You did really great job, Youngjoon. Thanks.”

“You helped me with every thing. I have owed all these honors to you.”

“On the contrary! The pleasure is mine.”

“Teacher, I'd like to give the prize and the extra prize money to Misses.”

“Thank you for your offer, but I cannot receive your good will.”

“Where is she now?”

“My wife……”

“Are all the other family out of the house?”

“Yes, they are. They will stay out for a long time.”

“Teacher, have you taken any medicine?”

“No, not yet. But as you know, it is just a fatigue. I'll get well in a few days.”

“Would you get me some medicine for fatigue from the pharmacy?”

“Why not? I'll be back in no time.”

Youngjoon ran to the pharmacy with the prize money envelop in his handHe said to the pharmacist that his teacher fell in a serious fatigue. The pharmacist asked in return worriedly.

“You mean the teacher is suffering from a bad fatigue cold?”

“Yes, Madam.”

“It's a regret that such a good person fell in a disease. He, as a single person,should always stay healthy.”

Youngjoon, taken aback, asked.

“Did you say that my teacher lives alone?”

“Yes, he does.”

“What for?”

“Last year, he had his wife and sons killed by a traffic accident. He has left hislittle daughter with one of his relatives, and has been living these days byhimself.”

“Then, who is the person that prepares lunch for him everyday?”

“The teacher himself has prepared his lunch, Nobody else.


Youngjoon learned that the teacher himself had filled too much rice for him in his lunch-box on purpose since.

[출처] 엄마와 포도|작성자 웃는곰